​Adult Day Program
At Tate Behavioral, we believe everyone can experience joy, connection, and meaningful relationships within their local communities. We provide vocational, social, behavioral, assistive tech, and life skills-based assessments to determine appropriate goals and treatment objectives to build independence within the program, work, and community settings. Our goals are to reduce challenging behaviors that interfere with access to larger communities while building on skills that increase independence. We focus on integrating individuals into their local communities, creating new experiences, new areas of leisure and recreation, social opportunities, and activities that bring them joy.

Services Available
Transition services and placement can be provided to school-aged young adults to prepare them for adulthood.
Adult day services at the CBDS program can be provided for adults of all ages who have already transitioned.
One-on-one direct employment support can be provided to individuals transitioning into the workforce.

Program Benefits
Tate Adult services start with individualized assessments to determine behavioral skills deficits, assistive technology, social skills, life skills, vocational skills, job interests, and potential accommodations. Assessment outcomes then drive individualized goals and behavioral treatment. Our adult day programs use Positive Behavioral Supports and Person-Centered Planning. The program is overseen clinically by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Participants are supported daily in the community by highly trained, empathetic staff.